Law of a federated state.
No hi ha cap exemple disponible per a cap sinònim
1The proposed state law would allow legal action first, official classification later.
2Kobach: The state law must use the exact terminology of federal law.
3Under state law, at least 75 percent of union members must approve.
4Under state law, the city will also have a financial review commission.
5Currently the state law allows abortions up until 22 weeks of pregnancy.
6And state law typically broadens that window to four to six years.
7The judge ruled that the minimum wage increase conflicted with state law.
8Amazon and Inc both had challenged the New York state law.
9If convicted of criminal charges, state law would require Kane to resign.
10The intervening states also alleged state law claims with respect to Exjade.
11The racketeering claim could have resulted in triple damages under state law.
12Many of these issues are governed by applicable federal and state law.
13Bigamy and polygamy are illegal under both federal and Montana state law.
14The Uber trial is perfectly legal under current state law, Pennsylvania officials said.
15Under US state law, the legal process is expected to take several years.
16The Arkansas Press Association and other media groups opposed the new state law.
Aquesta col·locació està formada per:
Translations for state law